
Per the Architectural Access Board-Department of Public Safety in Boston we are required to make the following statement:

As of 4/24/2019 Cinemas 1-5 are accessible to non-motorized wheelchairs. Our chair lift is rated for 500 lbs. As of this writing the chair lift is in working order. Any change in that statue would be posted on Facebook, and on our website. Our recorded show times (774.4881) will state what cinemas are accessible. We, whenever possible, will rotate any film playing in Cinemas 6 and 7 (currently not accessible to wheelchairs) to an accessible house during the movies duration at the Garden.

We currently have hearing assisted and closed caption devices for any patron who requires them.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at 773.9260 during normal business hours. We would be happy to answer any questions.

We look forward, in the very near future, to provide better accessibility for our patrons.